Sunday, March 22, 2009

Our Day at the Zoo

Last week was the Third Grade field trip to the zoo. It was a gorgeous day and we had a blast. There were so many parents who wanted to go on the field trip my group only consisted of Megan and her friend Jordyn. They had to finish a scavenger hunt with some animal facts (the red notebooks that are in their hands) to make sure we had an educational experience as well as some fun.

Megan and Jordyn with the giraffes. Megan is sticking out her tongue like the giraffes. One of the questions on the scavenger hunt was how long is a giraffes tongue. For those who want to know it is 18-22 inches. A lot longer then Megan's! =)

Megan and some more of her friends, Bailey, Kiley, and Jordyn.

Megan and Jordyn "hanging" with the elephants!

After the girls finished the scavenger hunt we went to the sting ray exhibit. The girls got to pet the sting rays. Although it was not the crystal blue waters of Grand Cayman, it was a lot of fun. Afterward we went to play park and had some snow cones.

It was a fantastic day!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

St. Patricks Day Fun

Today was St. Patricks Day and we were invited, by some of the girls best friends, for a play date at the park. (Emily met Maggie in preschool last year. Lauren and Megan are the same age. And I am good friends with their Mom Carla who happens to be a twin, just like me!)

We had green cookies, played together, and just caught up, as we do not get to see each other as often as we would like. The tire swing is always a huge hit with the girls. And who can resist this cute sea of green. (Emily's cute green hearts are covered up on her shirt but you can see her green bow.)

Friends are the best, and we had a fantasic time. Thanks Carla!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

"I do like green eggs and ham.I do like them Sam I am"

For those of you who do not know, this past week was Dr. Seuss's Birthday. This meant for Emily and her kindergarten class, a week long Dr. Seuss Extravaganza! And what celebration would not be complete without some Green Eggs and Ham. Looks yummy huh!?

So being the good mom that I am, I took one for the team and cooked Green Eggs and Ham for three kindergarten classes. In the process turning my fingers totally green!

Despite what you may think they actually tasted pretty good. Emily even had two helpings!

I would turn my fingers green for this cute bunch any day. Ah..... the carefree days of kindergarten,and the joys of being a room mom! I love it!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The Invasion is Coming!

We are so excited! We just bought our tickets home for this summer. Lori and the kids are coming the end of July and staying for three weeks. Dave will be there the the middle of the first week of August and stay for about 10 days. We are looking forward to seeing a lot of our family and friends!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Primary Family Fun Day

For those who don't know, I am Primary President in our ward, and we had our first quarterly activity yesterday. (For those who don't know about Primary, it is the children's program at our church, and I am in charge of it) The theme for the activity was "Family Fun Day". It was designed for families to come and play games together, take a family photo and decorate a frame together, and eat ice cream sundaes. And what family doesn't love ice cream?

We had all kinds of games set up around the building to play like: Twister, Ring Toss, Horse Shoes, Chutes and Ladders, Candy Land, Sorry, a giant Memory game, Bean Bag Toss and many others. And while we did not have to large of a turn out, those who did make it had a fantastic time. Thanks heavens for GREAT helpers who helped plan and make everything run smoothly, and an extremely helpful husband. I love you sweetie!

We asked Megan what her favorite part was and she said the ice cream. And she told us the worst part was having to go home. (Hopefully others thought that too =) ).

(Our photo a little closer up to see the girls art work)