Sunday, May 24, 2009

Teacher Appreciation Week

I am room mom to both of my girls classes. So I had a crazy, busy, fun, but very exhausting teacher appreciation week a couple of weeks ago.

We cooked breakfast one day and decorated the door for the week. (Or should I say weeks as they are still up)

The kids traced their hands and then they decorated them and wrote a nice note.

The next day was bring a flower day. So I made cookie flower bouquets for both teachers. (an idea I have to give my mom full credit for......THANKS MOM!) They turned out so cute but took a lot of time. But both teachers loved them!

(A little closer shot)

The principal even came up to me the next day at the PTA luncheon for the teachers and commented on how cute they were!

The next day I had the kids bring something chocolate for a bag I created as a "Sanity Stash" for the last few weeks of school. We also bought a class gift, one of the days.

On the last day I served my teachers a nice Italian lunch and gave them the love note tins from their class. I went to the school and die cut 2 hearts for each child. One for the child to fill out with a note of thanks, and one for the parents as well. (I was pleasantly surprised how many parent ones I received back.) They turned out really cute, and I think it was the biggest hit of the week.

It was a fun but tiring week. But I think my teachers felt appreciated, and that is what was important. Teachers have one of the hardest job on earth! My hat goes off to them!


Dan and Melissa said...

Wow, you worked really hard. It's great you can do that for your kids classes. You have great ideas! Way to go! Now they need room mother appreciation.

Jessica Chalmers said...

How nice, see, this is another good reason why I should be working in an elementary school and not a high school!

Sara White said...

I love your flowers! I will have to remember that one. Your doors turned out really cute. We aren't able to personalize our doors because the teachers rotate classes and have so many students. I really liked the way yours turned out. It is a busy week but it is nice to know that the teachers know they are appreciated!

Deborah said...

Lori you are amazing! All of these activies sound so fun. I bet the teachers loved it. I can only imagine the time you thought you put into all of it. Way to go!

Mindy said...

You are amazing!