Tuesday, January 20, 2009

An Historic Day

I will tell you right from the top that I did not vote for President Obama, but I can't help but feel I have just witnessed an historic day for our country. It made me proud to be an American to watch this peaceful transition in power. To know that it was done by the voice of the people (although not my voice) has to be greatly respected. For this is what America is all about. I feel blessed to be an American, where I do have a voice.

I had the opportunity to watch this at school with Megan, in her classroom, and when we came home after school we had a chance to chat. I asked her if she understood what had happened today. She explained that we got a new President. I explained to her she had just witnessed a day in history. Something that will be written about in history books for years to come. Something they will teach her own children about. Our country elected its first African American President. That did not seem to phase her much, for color of skin means nothing to her. And for the first time I feel it is the same for our country. It is about time!

I am excited to see what President Obama is able to accomplish over the next four years. Hopefully it will be a lot of good things. And while I did not vote for him, he has my support and prayers in his behalf. For that is what America is about!

1 comment:

Tony said...

Loved your report about the inauguration and talking to Megan about America/patriotism. That's so important and you're starting that teaching at an opportune time. I think you're a wise mother and love catching your blog. I love America, too. oxoxo Aunt Judy